Jenny Hu – Korean/Chinese/English Teacher
Jenny is one of my favorite teachers. She is my Korean teacher. She has been incredibly helpful with my Korean learning. I wouldn’t be able to continue learning Korean without her help.YouRead More…
Jenny is one of my favorite teachers. She is my Korean teacher. She has been incredibly helpful with my Korean learning. I wouldn’t be able to continue learning Korean without her help.YouRead More…
This video took me a LONGGGGGG time to make, but I had a lot of fun making this video!!! 😀 😀 😀 If you like this video, please vote for me! ^^Read More…
在学习韩语,西语,或者俄语的朋友们,不过错过这次免费体验课的机会哦!!!活动快要结束了,快来!【怎么得到一节免费的韩语体验课】 这个影片花了我很长很长很长的时间才制作完成的。。。但是我对最后的结果很满意!!!如果你也喜欢这个影片的,请给我投一票吧!(不喜欢也投一票,我不介意的哈哈哈)给我投票就可以得到一节免费的韩语体验课哦!这节体验课不是一般的体验课哦,而是和我在影片里面介绍的Jenny老师的体验课哦!!!她是我最最最喜欢的韩语老师呵呵呵~~~!
I personally find that I can draw more inspiration and motivation from people in my life, the ones that I have connections with, whether it was a short or a long-lasting connection.Read More…
Italki hosts a language challenge once to twice a year. It is an event where you challenge yourself to take a certain number of hours of online language lessons in a setRead More…
I love taking online lessons! They are interactive and fun. I have met so many amazing teachers and enjoyed many online 1-1 language lessons. However, the downside is the expense can addRead More…
「百天韓文」第一組課程終於結束了!整整花了將近兩個月的時間才完成了第一組(P.S. 一組只有五節課,噓······),算是很慢的了。雖然原本的計劃沒有一一順利完成,但是收獲還是很大的。在這裏想和大家分享一點我的學習經驗。選擇線上韓文老師我選的老師主要分成兩類,一類是以英文授教的,另一類是以中文授教的。在AmazingTalker上,這兩個類型都有值得推薦的老師。 如果要選擇英文授教的老師的話,我推薦 Sungwoon-choi , 老師十分友善, 課程整理得有條有理,不會有混亂的感覺。 如果要選中文授教的老師的話,我推薦 Jenny Hu。
I found out about Grammarly by accident and fell in love with it instantly. I renewed my Premium membership as soon as my trial expired. Grammarly is a great tool for bothRead More…
Short and sweet version of my method in learning the Spanish rolling r (for those people who have short attention span like me ^-^). Spanish rolling r (or trilling r) took meRead More…
Happy Chinese New Year! What better way to celebrate than bringing you a new video? 😂 I worked really hard today to make sure I deliver this video!I had so much fun filming thisRead More…